Puas yog lub teeb infrared siab lossis qis zog?
Puas yog lub teeb infrared siab lossis qis zog?

Video: Puas yog lub teeb infrared siab lossis qis zog?

Video: Puas yog lub teeb infrared siab lossis qis zog?
Video: Finance with Python! Portfolio Diversification and Risk 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Qhov sib txawv ntawm cov hluav taws xob yog txhais los ntawm tus nqi ntawm lub zog muaj nyob hauv photons. Xov tooj cua muaj photons nrog qis zog, microwave photons muaj zog me ntsis ntau dua xov tooj cua , infrared photons tseem muaj ntau dua, tom qab ntawd pom, ultraviolet, X-rays, thiab, lub zog tshaj plaws ntawm txhua yam, gamma-rays.

Raws li, lub teeb infrared puas muaj lub zog siab?

Luv wavelength, siab zaus teeb vuag nqa lub zog siab , whereas ntev wavelength, tsawg zaus teeb nthwv dej nqa qis zog . Lub hauv paus ntawm infrared hluav taws xob hauv ntiaj teb yog kub zog los yog thermal tawg.

Lub zog ntau npaum li cas hauv lub teeb infrared? Ntuj infrared Ntawm no zog ,,527 qw infrared hluav taws xob, 445 watts yog pom teeb , thiab 32 watts yog ultraviolet hluav taws xob.

Kuj Paub, is infrared low energy?

Infrared hluav taws xob ( IR ), los yog infrared lub teeb, yog hom radiant zog uas yog qhov pom tsis tau rau tib neeg lub qhov muag tab sis peb tuaj yeem hnov zoo li cua sov. Los ntawm siab tshaj mus qis tshaj zaus, hluav taws xob hluav taws xob muaj xws li gamma-rays, X-rays, ultraviolet hluav taws xob, pom lub teeb, infrared hluav taws xob, microwaves thiab xov tooj cua nthwv dej.

Lub teeb twg muaj lub zog siab tshaj?

Cov nthwv dej liab muaj qhov ntev wavelength (nyob rau hauv 700 nm ntau), thiab violet tsis muaj luv luv - kwv yees li ib nrab. Vim tias violet nthwv dej muaj qhov luv tshaj wavelength ntawm qhov pom teeb spectrum, lawv nqa ntau tshaj zog . Truong-Son N. Kuv nco nws li tus siab tshaj zaus qhia qhov lub zog siab tshaj.

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