Dab tsi yog Si clause hauv Spanish?
Dab tsi yog Si clause hauv Spanish?

Video: Dab tsi yog Si clause hauv Spanish?

Video: Dab tsi yog Si clause hauv Spanish?
Video: Understanding the Conditional Tense in Spanish | The Language Tutor *Lesson 52* 2024, Cuaj hlis

Si clauses qhia possibilities, uas tej zaum yuav los yog tej zaum yuav tsis muaj tseeb. Lawv hais txog tam sim no, yav dhau los, thiab yav tom ntej. Cov kab lus no muaj ob ntu: qhov xwm txheej, lossis si clause , thiab lub ntsiab los yog qhov tshwm sim lus uas qhia tias yuav ua li cas yog tias qhov xwm txheej ntawm lub ua clause yog ntsib.

Yog li ntawd, SI clause hauv lus Mev yog dab tsi?

A si clause hauv Spanish qhia txog ib qho xwm txheej uas yuav tsum tau ntsib ua ntej muaj lwm yam tshwm sim. Lub verb tense uas ua raws cov si clause nyob ntawm qhov yuav tshwm sim ntawm qhov xwm txheej ntawd tshwm sim.

Ib sab saum toj no, koj puas siv subjunctive nrog SI? 6 Teb. Nws tsuas yog tam sim no subjunctive uas tsis yog siv tom qab si , yav dhau los subjunctive yog siv txhua lub sijhawm. Hauv qhov no, cov lus "yog" feem ntau nyob rau yav dhau los subjunctive tense, thiab lub ntsiab verb yog nyob rau hauv ib tug conditional tense. Cov xwm txheej tam sim no lossis yav tom ntej.

Raws li, SI clauses tsim li cas?

Cov cov lus tuaj yeem ua tau nyob rau hauv ib qho ntawm ob qhov kev txiav txim: Los yog si clause yog ua raws li qhov tshwm sim lus , los yog qhov tshwm sim lus yog ua raws li cov si clause . Ob leeg ua haujlwm ntev npaum li cov lus qhia daim ntawv yog khub kom raug thiab si yog muab tso rau pem hauv ntej ntawm tus mob. Nws paierai si koj condus. >

Koj siv li cas yog hais lus Spanish?

Hauv Spanish , lo lus ' yog ' yog si tsis txhob totaub nrog sí ('yog'). Cov lus uas pib nrog si qhia tau tias muaj qee yam yuav tshwm sim yav dhau los, tam sim no lossis yav tom ntej. Si clauses tuaj yeem faib ua ob ntu. Si clause.

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